Why you should be rejoicing at Biden’s presidential win, even as a non-American?

Ishi srivastava
5 min readNov 9, 2020

The US elections have always been more of an international spectacle than just a mere government procedure, bringing in the interest of onlookers and bystanders from all around the world. One of the main reasons for this interest is because of the effect the results shall have on our other countries’ governments and their relations with the USA. This is due to the fact that each new presidential candidate brings in with them a floodgate of different policies and stances on a variety of topics, from economic reforms and tax tariffs to trade relations and foreign policies. Hence, the elections hold the power to not only control and change the future of the USA but also determines their interactions and relations with countries around the world.

“The Horror Of 2016 Elections”- A real-life nightmare (Sources: wikipedia.org)

While the results of the last US elections or as I call it ‘The Horror of 2016 elections’ left everyone dumbstruck and shocked for months, the results of the 2020 elections seem to be far more promising and well welcomed. This year’s election results not only signify a much-needed end to a four-year reign of utter terror filled with an onslaught of fake news accusations and Twitter threats but also acts as a harbinger of better times and hope, two things that have been sorely lacking this year. So not only does this fare a good future for the Americans but also the rest of the world. How you ask. Well here are some points to give you some insight into the topic:

-IMMIGRATION LAWS- When trump came in, to curb the growing unemployment in America, he aggressively adopted the “America First” policy characterized by large scale changes in the immigration laws that caused a large number of immigrants to get displaced and lose their livelihoods overnight.

The construction of the Mexico wall displaced thousands of families in the name of an economic revival and employment opportunities that never came.

With Biden rolling in hope seems to be on the horizon as he seems to take a different approach on the matter, aiming to make the policy more inclusive to ensure that it doesn’t remove people who’re immigrants in the country, identifying them as important contributors in the nation’s economy, constituting a large part of their workforce and tax payers.

- TRADE LAWS- When the Trump administration rolled in, they assertively took up the campaign of tightening their trade laws and taxing up to revive the economy of the country. This resulted in a lot of tensed trade relations with varying countries marked by nerve-wracking negotiations that lasted for months, even resulting in some relations getting severely slashed.

With Biden coming in the world can expect a more thoughtful approach towards repairing US trade relations, alliances, and partnerships with the world and a chance to a policy of “coopetition” or cooperative competition which simply put can be described as a policy that involves the participating bodies to involve in cooperation and competition with rivals.

Biden’s Election — Harbrigner of Hope (Sources: cnbc.com)

- GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE- One of the most catastrophic things done by the Trump administration was the pulling back of the USA from the monumentally important Paris Agreement that further hindered any growth in the search for a solution on matters of global warming and climate change. With a president that refuses to identify ‘Global Warming’ as an actual and very present threat, shoving it off as a conspiracy by America’s rivals, the large number of unwarranted regulations put on matters of climate change over the period of 4 years has ignored science and severely pushed back any progress made in the area of climate control and environmental change.

With Biden coming in a new and more sensible stance is expected. The ex-vice president believes that global warming is a gargantuan monster that needs to be given the utmost attention and plans to enroll the USA back into the Paris Agreement.

He plans to curb the worsening problem of global warming by reducing the carbon emissions of the country, making the argument that it will help look after the planet while producing high paying jobs and employment opportunities.

He also plans to push other countries to reduce their respective carbon emissions as part of his campaign for climate control.

-WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO)- Another one of the key “accomplishments” of the Trump Administration was the removal of the USA from the World Health Organization. This proved to be calamitous as the WHO is an organization that functions on the funds and aids received from its member countries, in the form of manpower, medical and financial aid. This proved to be further cataclysmic due to the terrible timing as the pullout was done right in between the outbreak of the pandemic, a time when an organization such as WHO serves to be one of our only hopes to find a vaccine for this virus.

With Biden coming in a more sensible and logical approach is predicted and the man himself stated that he shall rejoin WHO on his first day of presidency. Biden pushes the stance that America needs to be involved in strengthening global health in order to get a head start on the vaccine and toughen itself to bear the upcoming difficult times of the COVID virus.

Kamala Harris — The first woman of colour to be VP (Source:nbcnews.com)

- CORONA VIRUS- As of November 2020, there were more than 9,800,000 cases and 237,000 COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S., representing nearly one-fifth of the world’s known COVID-19 deaths, and the most deaths of any country. Over the course of the outbreak, President Trump went from acknowledging that the pandemic may get “worse before it gets better” to calling thousands of deaths as the price that is to be paid for the virus to die on its own to saying that America is slowly “rounding the corner” ignoring the rising death count and forcing offices and schools to open. Then he himself tested positive for the virus a few weeks before the elections.

The Biden administration is expected to be more sensible in their handling of the virus. They aim to handle the virus with widespread free testing, support for the development and distribution of a vaccine, along with an economic push to help the dropping economy. He’s also committed to some simple obvious precautions that the Trump administration didn’t deem important, such as daily reports from the White House regarding the pandemic battle.


- President Biden will go down in history as the oldest president of the USA, with an astounding age of 77 years when he enters the office.

- Kamala Harris will be setting history by becoming the first woman and first woman of colour to be elected as US vice president in America’s long history. If you’re an Indian you’d be feeling doubly proud as she is an Indian origin woman.

Finally, some good news that shines bright with hope in this otherwise dark and devastating year. Cheers!!



Ishi srivastava

I’m a peppy person who loves writing about all things that give you the feels, from mental illness struggles to life lessons. Hope you like my rants. Enjoy